What are the Different Types of Dental Cleanings?

Regular professional dental cleanings are considered to be one of the most effective preventative treatments for our oral health. However, many people are surprised to learn that there are different types of dental cleanings, and which is recommended for you will depend on your individual oral health requirements.


Prophylaxis Cleaning

This dental cleaning is the best-known type of preventative cleaning treatment offered by dentists and is performed to remove any plaque or tartar that has accumulated on the teeth. While most plaque can be removed by brushing or flossing your teeth, it’s not uncommon for it to develop in those areas that are hard to reach, such as the backs of your teeth. Unless plaque is cleaned away quite promptly, it can harden into tartar. Tartar can only be removed using specialist professional equipment. Left untreated, tartar can cause progressive gum disease, gum recession, and even tooth loss.


Most dentists recommend that you have a dental prophylaxis cleaning at least twice every year – more if you smoke or have issues with your oral health.


Scaling and Root Planing

Lots of people have heard of scaling and root planing, and this deep cleaning of your teeth is carried out on patients who are diagnosed with any stage of gum disease. This is because scaling and root planing don’t only clean the visible parts of the teeth, they also extend below the gum line.


Scaling and root planing takes place over two stages. During the first, plaque and tartar are removed from the visible surface of the teeth and the pocket that forms in the gum below the gum line. These are called periodontal pockets. This part of the process is known as scaling. Once all traces of plaque and tartar have been removed, the root surface of each tooth is smoothed, making it easier for the gum to reattach to it. This is called planing. Since this procedure is performed below gum line level, a local anesthetic is usually provided.


Periodontal Maintenance

If you have been diagnosed with gum disease, you may be asked to attend regular periodontal maintenance cleanings. These are designed to help counteract gum disease and are carried out more regularly than prophylaxis cleanings. Performed frequently enough, they could reverse the earliest stage of gum disease before it causes any significant damage to your oral or general health. Periodontal maintenance cleanings remove plaque and tartar from the teeth, paying close attention to the gum line.


Gross Debridement

If it’s been a long time since your last dental visit or cleaning, you may be recommended to have a gross debridement cleaning. This is carried out when there is a significant accumulation of plaque and tartar caused by poor brushing and flossing at home. It usually takes a fair bit longer than prophylaxis clean since there is more plaque and tartar to remove, and in some cases, it may even be necessary to perform it over several appointments.




For more information about professional dental cleanings, or to schedule an appointment with our skilled and experienced dental team, visit Obeng Family Dental in Port Orange, FL. Call (386) 761-9440 today.

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